Many healthcare institutions struggle with deciding whether or not they should find and hire an EMR hosting company. Prominent in their list of worries is whether the EMR hosting their institutions receive will meet their security requirements for EMR hosting.
While some medical institutions prefer to keep all their data and software in their own servers within their premises, others prefer to keep all their data and software in secure data centers and get access to it via the internet.
Many of these institutions make these decisions based on the importance and value they have placed on their healthcare systems. Those who cannot afford to lose important operational or patient data and value operational excellence, almost always, choose to use data centers that enjoy protection of state-of-the-art security systems.
Benefits of EMR Hosting
There are a number of reasons why this EMR hosting approach is the way to go for all healthcare institutions that value their systems as well as the wellbeing of their patients. These include:
- You enjoy the highest possible level of security and virus protection
- You only pay a monthly/yearly fee with an option to cancel the subscription any time
- Reputable EMR hosting firms have a 99% uptime guarantee
- You will not need to spend money buying your own hardware
- EMR hosting eliminates the need for installation and maintenance of servers within your premises
- Through EMR hosting, you can reduce your IT needs by up to 95%
- EMR hosting is convenient and cost-effective
- Some EMR hosting firms offer free maintenance and upgrading
- EMR hosting eliminates overdependence on a backup power source
- You will not need special server rooms, tapes or batteries
- EMR hosting simplifies and reduces the cost of upgrading workstation hardware
Those healthcare organizations that have already embraced EMR hosting are enjoying improved efficiency and unrivaled convenience. By contacting a reputable healthcare IT firm, you can also start the process of streamlining your institution’s operations for better services to everyone who walks through your doors.

Angus Roberts is an expert in healthcare IT and HIPAA compliance. He has a strong expertise in AI and Cloud technologies and has been working with these technologies for the past decade. Angus is also a frequent speaker at conferences in the US and Europe on topics related to cloud, AI, healthcare IT, HIPAA compliance, cybersecurity, data privacy and more.